VENTwool Plus

Insulation materials > VENTwool Plus

Self-adhesive mineral wool lamella mat covered on one side with reinforced aluminium foil. The mineral wool used has fibres perpendicular to the insulated surface (lamellar structure). VENTwool Plus has a layer of pressure-sensitive adhesive applied to the mineral wool and protected by a film. The adhesive used ensures that the mat adheres firmly and permanently to the parts to be insulated.


  • thermal, anti-condensation and acoustic insulation of ventilation and air-conditioning ducts.

Technical parameters:

  • declared thermal conductivity (temperature 10°C): 0,038 W/mK (λD / EN 12667);
  • reaction to fire class: non ignitable (B-s1,d0 / EN 13501-1);
  • max. service temperature: 50˚C (ST(+)50 / EN 14706);
  • water absorption (short-term): ≤1 kg/m² (WS1 / EN 1609);
  • thickness tolerance: -3/+5 mm (T4 / EN 823);
  • product code: MW - EN 14303 - T4 - ST(+)50 - WS1;
  • norm: PN-EN 14303;
  • Hygienic Certificate: BK/K/0134/01/2018;
  • Declaration of Performance (DoP): DWU-2018-VLP.
Roll quantity
Pallet quantity
20 12 000 1000 12 300
30 8 000 1000 8 200
40 6 000 1000 6 150
50 5 000 1000 5 125
60* 4 000 1000 4 100
80* 3 000 1000 3 75
100* 2 500 1000 2,5 62,5

* on request


For general inquiries - please e-mail us at: sales@directvent.eu

You can also contact our sales people in Poland directly.
