Jet diffuser JNS

Nozzles > Jet diffuser JNS
Nozzles > Jet diffuser JNS
  • Nozzles > Jet diffuser JNS
  • Nozzles > Jet diffuser JNS

Material and colours:

  • aluminum;
  • galvanized steel;
  • RAL 9003.

Product characteristics:

  • application: industrial and public buildings;
  • range up to 30 m;
  • low noise level and high efficiency;
  • adjustable air flow direction;
  • painted.
JNS 100 139,4 97,4 45,0 15,4 3,5 72,0 4
JNS 125 170,4 123,3 60,2 17,9 8,1 90,8 4
JNS 160 210,0 157,9 80,0 21,0 9,7 110,5 4
JNS 200 264,2 197,5 104,7 23,7 11,2 131,4 4
JNS 250 315,4 247,0 128,1 28,9 17,1 182,5 4
JNS 315 388,0 313,0 163,3 30,4 28,5 200,0 2
JNS 400 495,0 397,0 210,3 35,0 30,7 250,0 1
JNS 500 617,0 496,0 255,9 44,8 50,3 350,0 1
Applicable duct diameter
200 250 315 500 630 800 1000
JNS 100
JNS 125
JNS 160
JNS 200
JNS 250
JNS 315
JNS 400
JNS 500
z = 10 m z = 20 m z = 30 m vk
V [m³/h] Ps [Pa] NC [db(A)] V [m³/h] Ps [Pa] NC [db(A)] V [m³/h] Ps [Pa] NC [db(A)]
JNS 100 - - - 93.6 86 29 140 175 41 0,25
JNS 125 - - - 122 71 25 180 136 36 0,25
JNS 160 82.8 11 <20 165 26 <20 250 98 35 0,25
JNS 200 104 - <20 220 29 <20 306 67 27 0,25
JNS 250 133 - <20 272 8.3 <20 382 34 22 0,25
JNS 315 180 - <20 350 11 <20 540 36 20 0,25
JNS 400 234 - <20 465 8.0 <20 702 13 <20 0,25
JNS 500 275 - <20 525 6.5 <20 865 8 <20 0,25
JNS 100 93.6 86 29 187 300 50 - - - 0,5
JNS 125 122 71 25 245 265 46 - - - 0,5
JNS 160 165 26 <20 330 113 44 497 200 55 0,5
JNS 200 220 29 <20 435 123 38 655 218 50 0,5
JNS 250 274 8.3 <20 548 63 34 825 112 45 0,5
JNS 315 350 11 <20 690 57 28 1055 104 40 0,5
JNS 400 464 8 <20 930 32 20 1394 69 33 0,5
JNS 500 545 6 <20 1252 24 15 1650 45 28 0,5
JNS 100 187 300 50 - - - - - - 1,0
JNS 125 245 265 46 - - - - - - 1,0
JNS 160 330 113 44 - - - - - - 1,0
JNS 200 435 123 38 870 312 - - - - 1,0
JNS 250 548 63 34 1100 160 53 - - - 1,0
JNS 315 700 57 28 1400 150 48 2106 243 - 1,0
JNS 400 930 32 20 1860 123 42 2783 273 53 1,0
JNS 500 1151 26 14 2245 95 37 3280 296 49 1,0

z: silencing range;
V: air volume;
Ps: total pressure loss;
NC: noise level;
vk: final air speed.


- cold air

- fixed-temperature

- warm air

A: horizontal distance between the nozzle and the point where two air streams meet;
VL: axial velocity at the end of the jet;
Vm: time average air velocity in the occupied zone;
Y: deflection of jet due to temperature difference, relative to constant-temperature jet;
S: occupied zone.

Air stream curving:

Δ12 positive if the air is hot and negative when the air is cold. Air stream curving is directed upwards when the air is hot and downwards when the air is cold.

y: air stream curving;
L: distance;
V: air flow.

JNS long range nozzles are suitable for installation on rectangular and circular ducts. They are fitted with a non-drilled sheet metal flange fixed with rivets for easy assembly. A gasket must be inserted before jointing. A spigot is provided for direct connection to pipes or flexible hoses. The diameter of the spigot is matched to the commercial dimensions of the pipes.

Example of connection to a rectangular duct:

Example of connection to a circular duct:

Example of direct connection to a pipe or flexible duct:


For general inquiries - please e-mail us at: sales@directvent.eu

You can also contact our sales people in Poland directly.
